Our Fees
How Much Will It Cost?

Your fees will depend upon the volume of your files, many of our clients welcome the idea of digitizing their documents after seeing the various benefits involved, and considering the cost savings. We at PJDA want to make it easy for you to take advantage of our services by providing financing to assist you in starting the digitalization of your documents.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal with you. We will be more than glad to answer your questions and help you with the process of digitizing your documents.

How does the process work?

Step One: Analysis from PJDA

The initial step is the consultative process where we meet to understand your document handling environment. We will visit your office/storage facilities and analyze the documentation that could potentially be scanned into digital format.

We could take some of your own files and within 24 hour prepare a full Free Demo which will allow you to review the final product, and give you a better idea of how you will receive all your files at the end of the process. 

Step Two: Specific Proposal 

We will provide you with a specific proposal that will outline the number of documents that can and will be digitized, the cost and the timelines.

You will also review additional options available to make your digital documents even more accessible, and the option to have PJDA destroy the original documents safely.

Step Three: Preparing Documents for Digitizing 

In the third step we will prepare all physical documents for digitizing. This includes the removal of staples, paper clips, post-its, organizing and sorting the documents in the chronological order of your choice.

Step Four: Digitizing Documents

During this pre-final step, PJDA will scan all your documentation and review all documents scanned to ensure accuracy.

If the option has been selected, we will sort your documentation in the chronological order you prefer, either alphabetically, by date, by file number, or by any other format you may prefer, as well as destroy the original documents safely.

Step Five: Delivery and Access of Digital Documents

The Final and most crucial step is to provide you with the digital files. These would be provided to you in the format of DVD. You  may also choose to have files submitted through an external hard drive or through an online secure access and/or FTP site.